hey guys! as you read this, i am probably on a flight home to california. it’s been a swell semester and while i’m going to miss my friends and this beautiful country more than i can express with words, i’m excited to be home with my friends and family and back into the swing of ‘normal’ life. but in the mean time, here are a few things I am most grateful for during my time in new zealand.
1. church on the beach
2. cafe 88 and george cafe in tauranga
3. walks around campus at golden hour
4. my job baking treats for everyone every week
5. wellington, my favorite city in new zealand
6. late night conversations with friends
7. learning new zealand’s beautiful national anthem
8. my weekly grocery scavenger hunts shopping trips
9. glassons and cotton on
10. getting to drive on the opposite side of the road
have a great weekend
//photo taken by me in tauranga//