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In travel on
April 12, 2014

hello from england

i’m back from my very long and very unintentional blog break. wow. so much has happened in such a short time. i’ve been in york, england studying and its divine. i love england, love this school, love my friendies, love this life. i know i always say this on this blog (mostly because its always true) but i just feel so blessed. france was hard. hard in a good, growing way but difficult nevertheless. i know it was necessary to my becoming but i’m so happy to be in the next season. being in such a beautiful place around wonderful, warm, kind people has been a dream. my roommates and i are inseparable and i’ve made many other friends from all over the world. i spend most of my time in coffee shops doing homework, making dinner with my roomies, walking around this beautiful town listening to my les mis audiobook, doing bible studies and praying in the private prayer room at the minster, baking and serving goodies at church and learning to love God more everyday. here are a few pics to attempt to illustrate my wonderful semester so far. i’m planning on posting somewhat regular schedule so stay tuned!

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In travel on
October 16, 2009

european tour

i traveled around europe alot this summer and these are a few of my favorite pictures. i went to ireland, scotland, england, belgium, the netherlands, austria and germany. i tried a lot of new things (like haggis… which is actually good!) and met a lot of new people and all i can say is it was an amazing summer. i made memories and friends that will last a lifetime and i’m so blessed to have had this experience













