Browsing Tag:

new zealand

In travel on
July 7, 2013

new zealand polaroids part II

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every once in a while on my walks around campus, i would bring along my pola if it was an especially pretty day. wherever i see these pictures on my wall, i am constantly reminded of how blessed i was to live in such a beautiful place. i think the first picture perfectly sums up new zealand: rustic and green with a limitless, sprawling sky. God bless new zealand

In travel on
June 30, 2013

new zealand polaroids part I

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i finally found the time to scan in some of the polaroids i took in new zealand this past semester. one of my biggest regrets first semester was not bringing my polaroid camera so i made sure it tagged along with me when i went back again. as i looked through the pictures i had captured, all the amazing memories from the semester came rushing back. these are a few of my favorite polaroids that i will cherish forever.

1. lunching at mister d’s// 2. the tauranga shoreline// 3. my bedroom second semester// 4. the most lovely sunset i’ve ever seen// 5. boats in russell// 6. graduation dinner, one of the best nights of my life// 7. on the rotorua tarmac once last time

In lists on
May 18, 2013

grateful for…

hey guys! as you read this, i am probably on a flight home to california. it’s been a swell semester and while i’m going to miss my friends and this beautiful country more than i can express with words, i’m excited to be home with my friends and family and back into the swing of ‘normal’ life. but in the mean time, here are a few  things I am most grateful for during my time in new zealand.

1. church on the beach
2. cafe 88 and george cafe in tauranga
3. walks around campus at golden hour
4. my job baking treats for everyone every week
5. wellington, my favorite city in new zealand
6. late night conversations with friends
7. learning new zealand’s beautiful national anthem
8. my weekly grocery scavenger hunts shopping trips
9. glassons and cotton on
10. getting to drive on the opposite side of the road

have a great weekend
//photo taken by me in tauranga//
In travel on
May 16, 2013

grad dinner

at my college, graduation dinner is a bit like prom. everyone gets dressed up, goes out to a local restaurant and has a blast. i don’t think i have ever laughed more than this night. we have all gotten so close and i can honestly say this has been one of the best seasons of my life thus far. these people are some of the funniest, sweetest, most caring, most encouraging people i’ve ever met. it’s so sad to be moving on but i’m so excited for all of our futures. luckily, a few of us live in california so we’ll hopefully be seeing a lot of each other but its pretty hard to comprehend that we won’t be together as a school again. though i’m moving on to other things (update soon), i’ll always look back on my time in new zealand fondly. God is good

{hair props to sarah}

love these people!

In eateries, food, travel on
May 10, 2013

la cafe de paris

i love all things french so this little french cafe by the church was a real find! their gluten free pancakes were surprisingly good (but isn’t everything with nutella good?) and it was a great time of fun and fellowship with some of my favorite ladies. i sure love saturdays!

In eateries, food, travel on
May 7, 2013

an ode to capers iced coffee

whenever we go into town, we usually end up going to capers at some point for the best iced coffees i have ever tasted. the cafe has other good drinks and good (but overpriced) foods but their iced coffees just can’t be beat. so maybe i did just write a whole post on iced coffees but this is my blog so i can post whatever dorky stuff i want… right? btw how pretty are my friends? love them!