In life on
July 14, 2014

cincinnati revisited + an announcement

i’ve been pretty quiet about my next step on social media but i’m finally ready to blog about it. i am happy to announce i have been accepted to the premiere college in the nation for my major and i couldn’t be more excited! this has been my dream school since i was seven years old and my friend’s father, a shoe designer for nike, told me it was his alma mater and the best place to study design! when i was a senior in high school and making the big decision of what schools to apply for, i visited university of cincinnati, along with ohio state and cedarville, where i eventually ended up. i was beyond impressed with uc’s industrial design program and the school in general but the art department was undergoing some big changes and it just didn’t feel right for me at the time. the program encourages so much independence that i don’t think my seventeen year old self was ready for. fast forward a few years and i finally decided to apply last summer. i knew i was a transfer student so it would be next to impossible to get in but God is a god of the impossible and if He wanted me there, i knew i would get in. after months and months of prolonged waiting, i got my acceptance email during my last week in york! it was bitter sweet because i knew my time in england was over but i am over the moon for what is next. i leave in august so i still have a little of summer to savor but i am counting down the days till we road trip out to ohio. while looking through an old hard drive, i found these pictures i took when i visited all those years ago. little did i know down the line, after i had already experienced a year of college, made so many amazing friends, learned another language and lived in three different countries, that i would be back as a student. God surely works in mysterious ways.

{my first memory of ohio}

{football stadium in the middle of campus!}

{inside the daap (design, art, architecture and planning) building}

{seventeen year old me // six story tall trophy case}

{classic ohio fast food}

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