In travel on
November 5, 2017

budapest the beautiful

Budapest is a beautiful city that I am so happy to have had the chance to explore during my time in Europe. It has such a different feel than every other city I have visited that can only be described as a fusion of east and west. Budapest feels very young and modern so it’s hard to believe that as of 1988, Hungary was still communist. One of my favorite things about Budapest was how cheap everything was. They use the Hungarian forint, which is about 250 forint to 1 dollar. Our hostel ended up being around $10 a night per person, which is a steal compared to the rest of Europe! Below I’ve highlighted some of my favorite experiences I had while I was in Budapest.

Every meal I had while in Budapest was delicious, with the highlight being a lunch we had at Halaszbastya, which is inside the famous Fisherman’s Bastion (above), which is a magical looking fortress on a hill that looks like it’s out of a fairytale. Our meal was equally magical, with a dinning room that looked like it belonged in Beauty and the Beast and wonderful dishes like lamb goulash and steak with beet risotto.

We visited the Budapest Central Market, which is a massive indoor space with a farmers market type set up on the first floor and food stalls and souvenir shops above. I bought some unique and very cheap souvenirs so for that alone, it was worth going.

Finally, no trip to Budapest is complete without a trip to the baths. There are many different baths to choose from in Budapest (124 to be exact!) but we wanted to check out the iconic Szechenyi Baths, with it’s beautiful yellow buildings and huge pools. It was such a treat and we had a great time running from pool to pool to stay warm and trying out the different kinds of baths. But if you are going to visit, make sure to bring flip flops! They’re $10 if you buy them there which is quite expensive in an otherwise very cost effective city. But Szechenyi Baths were probably the best part of my trip and an experience I will always remember.

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