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In travel on
December 2, 2017

lights of florence

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’ll probably remember a post I did about the Christmas lights around Nice, France when I lived there five years ago (I can’t believe its been FIVE YEARS!). One of the things that made me the most excited about studying in Florence was being here around Christmas time. This past week, lights started slowly going up around the city. Then suddenly, on Black Friday, all the lights went on! I find it entertaining that Europe seems to be on the same “day after thanksgiving” Christmas schedule as the States. The lights in Florence seem much less flashy and colorful than in Nice. They are understated and classy but oh so beautiful. My favorite is a little side street that has arches of lights stretching as far at the eye can see. If you ever get the chance to visit Florence at Christmas, I would highly recommend it for the magical lights alone!

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