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December 5, 2017

grateful for…

It’s been such a long time since I’ve done an thankfulness post on my blog but today, it really hit me how much I have to be thankful for. I feel like there have been a lot of loose ends in my life that have been tied up very recently and things God has totally worked out and I’m left feeling so grateful. Here are a few things, big and small, I am thankful for lately.

1. my dog, Colette
This past weekend, Colette started acting strange and not wanting to eat and drinking way too much, both signs of some really bad things, so I spent most of my weekend in and out of the vet, which is a very cold 30 minute walk down the river. It turns out she has a liver problem but with medication, it’s easy to clear up. There are so many worse things it could have been so I’m feeling really blessed it’s something easily treatable. Besides that, she got a clean bill of health!

2. getting a coop for this next spring
I’ll be honest, this semester has been really rough at times. Long story short, some things didn’t work out and I found myself without a coop for this next semester a few months into searching. Every other time I’ve looked for a coop, I had secured a job within a week or two but this time was more complicated and stressful. But after many prayers, I got a fantastic internship doing interface design for Motorola in Fort Lauderdale, Florida that I couldn’t be more thrilled about. So look forward to lots of pictures of beaches and palm trees coming your way.

3. my boyfriend, Brendan
I’m always thankful for Brendan but lately, I’ve been so grateful for all the ways he’s stepped up for me when things get hard. He’s the hardest working and more focused person I’ve ever met and though working almost full time and going to a very difficult school with a full load of credits, he still finds time to be great!

4. heating
I haven’t had heating since I moved in but instead of telling my landlord, I thought I would try to stick it out (so dumb, Hayley, so dumb). But these past couple of weeks, it became really unbearable so my landlord finally came over and it got fixed! I never realized how much I take for granted heating in the winter but wow is it fantastic! And I also have a heated towel rack in my bathroom that I didn’t know about so that’s been a nice surprise.

5. my mom
I never really wrote about it on here but my mom passed away from cancer almost two years ago. She was truly my best friend and being here in Florence, her favorite city, I feel ever more grateful and connected to her. She left such a lovely legacy and I see so much of her in myself, from silly saying I use to the way I view life. I am so blessed to have had such a wonderful mom.

6. traveling
I have been so blessed to get to travel so much this semester! I have been to 6 countries while being here and had so many wonderful adventures. I’ve been fixing my blog archives after evil Photobucket held all my linked photos for ransom (still so mad) but looking thru all my old posts has really made me appreciate all the places I’ve been in my life and all the people I’ve met along the way.

7. my dad
My dad and I have always been on good terms but since my mom’s passing, we’ve really gotten close (it also helps he got his first cellphone and learned to text). He works so hard to provide for me and to do the right thing and I really appreciate his persistence and love. Recently, he has taken up ballroom dancing, a huge surprise to everyone and really excels at it! I’m so grateful that he is in my life and that he is my dad.

what are you grateful for?
photo by me taken in riomaggiore, italy

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